Monday, February 14, 2022

The Boston News-Letter

    Having your peers teach the class about a topic is always so interesting. Normally, the students find a really interesting piece of information that kind of makes you stop for a second and want to dive deeper into the topic since they only have about three minutes to speak. There were many topics that I wanted to look more into because I thought what they brought up was so interesting. However, one topic that really stuck out to me was “The Boston News-Letter.” As stated before, I am a political science major. I do know a lot about history but we do not focus on the press a whole bunch. I had no idea that “The Boston News-Letter'' was the first newspaper and was printed by Benjamin Franklin’s older brother who later started a paper of his own “The New-England Courant.” The paper goes back so far that it was mainly focusing on what was going on in London to update the colonists on politics and other events. To me that shocked me, to get information the whole way from London to here and that be the main piece in a newspaper is crazy because of how much time that took. What also shocked me was the fact that all the way back then people liked reading about politics. I just feel that the colonists may have more important things to do than read about London but I guess I was wrong. The paper is also so old that they actually reported on Blackbeard’s death. (Yes, the pirate from “Pirates of the Caribbean.”) It just shocks me how far his paper has gone back and how much society is not that different from society back then. Society then wanted to know what was happening in politics and society today does too.

“The Boston News-Letter.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

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